Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Baby Room Makeover

Making an old house into a new house

The first project I'm going to show you is Maylee's room! As soon as we bought the house I knew this was going to be the baby room and as soon as I got pregnant we went to work fixing it up! 

Sweet Travis tore up the carpet and found beautiful oak floors underneath that had never been finished. We picked a dark stain (American Walnut)and he went to town! They turned out beautiful. 



^^^ When I was pregnant I wanted to sew a quilt for Maylee to put in her room and I think it's the perfect touch of pink! 

 ^^^ The picture above the chair my mom painted in 1990 for me when I was born. I'm so glad that I get to hang it in Maylee's room now. 

The only furniture we bought new which was given as a gift from Travis mom and grandma is our beautiful crib. The rest of the furniture I DIY and fixed up! I will have to post before/after pictures.

This shelf was in my room when I was a little girl.